Naval lasers NOT gone for good?

So even after my blog post a few weeks ago about the future of naval weapons, I see this article today.

Boeing, BAE to Build “Laser Machine Gun”

How freaking cool is that?!  I mean, just the article title alone has me excited!  My favorite part of the article is the last paragraph:

It’s anybody’s guess what kind of threat a machine guns or lasers can’t defeat on their own (Mothra? Decepticons? Kraken?). But now that 19th century ballistic technology has teamed up with 21st century ray gun tech, whatever that enemy may be will think twice about messing with a U.S. Navy warship.

So it looks like there might still be some hope for us getting some awesome new weapons on our warships.  I, for one, am very excited about the proposition.  We’re gonna need something to defend against the aliens when they invade…

Take that how you will.


ATF supplying MS13, too?

Hey, why stop at Mexican drug cartels?  Why not see just how many guns we can get into the hands of known criminals and pass some through Florida to the MS13 gang?  Yeah, that sounds like an AWESOME idea…

ATF Tampa Division Walked Guns to Honduras and to MS13 Gang Members

Un-freaking-believable.  We The People need to make sure the ATF, AND ALL THOSE THAT AUTHORIZED IT, gets held accountable for their actions.  Heads need to roll.

You’ve gotta be kidding me, ATF!?!

This is bull$hit!

To combat gun trafficking, ATF asks gun dealers to report sales of semi-automatic rifles

How am I not even a little surprised that this administration has tried to turn this against gun owners?!  “Oh, um, yeah… we secretly authorized gun dealers in border states and Florida to sell a bajillion guns (which we’ve lost) to cartels and gang-bangers, but we’re getting our shit together now, guys.  If a person wants to buy two semi-auto rifles in a week, you’ll let us know, right?”

“Federal, state and foreign law enforcement agencies have determined that certain types of semi-automatic rifles – greater than .22 caliber and with the ability to accept a detachable magazine – are highly sought after by dangerous drug trafficking organizations and frequently recovered at violent crime scenes near the Southwest Border,” Cole said.

THEY WOULD KNOW since they provided them!

Obama’s Justice Department also plans to introduce a new electronic system that will make background checks for handgun buyers simpler and faster and has imposed tougher sentencing guidelines for “straw buyers,”

And what the hell does this mean?!  How is this going to be any different than the federally required NICS check, and why target pistol purchases?

<insert flustered incoherent ramblings here>

I called it.

Big shocker here…

Obama to unveil gun control reforms in near future

From the article:

The end result, one source close to the discussions said, was a package of reforms “not huge in scope.” They are largely expected to mirror the topics covered in the president’s op-ed. Gun control advocates have pushed for more, including legislation that would limit the size of magazines — such as the 32-round clip that Giffords’ shooter used — or a bill that would force private sellers to conduct background checks at gun shows — which was pushed in the wake of the Virginia Tech shooting.

Still, executive actions offer something that legislation doesn’t: guaranteed results. And as one gun control advocate told the Huffington Post, there are ways to “use these administrative changes to obtain similar results.”

Emphasis mine.  Well would you look at that?  Sounds like ol’ Barry might be considering an executive order.

Keep your powder dry…

Thoughts on Project Gunwalker by a NYT Best-Selling Author

So you all have been reading my blog posts about the “Fast and Furious” goings-ons.  Well that’s a part of “Project Gunwalker”.  Well, check out this blog post about Project Gunwalker by New York Times Best-Selling author Larry Correia.

Project Gunwalker

It has a very thorough description on what the project was about, complete with external hyperlinks to read about specifics.  You should hopefully recognize a lot of his arguments from stuff I’ve said, but he also raises some valid points about the apparent lack of media coverage and outrage. To quote Larry,

How high does this go? Well, it sure isn’t looking pretty for the President. This is bigger than Watergate. A crime was committed in Nixon’s administration and he tried to cover it up.  The same thing is happening here. But at least in Watergate, nobody got killed.

So where’s the outrage? Where’s the 24/7 media coverage about this travesty of justice?  Oh, I forgot, Nixon was a Republican.

Even if you are a huge supporter of gun control (and I really don’t know why you are reading this blog if you are) innocent people have been killed and our Justice Department is complicit in it. If you aren’t angry then there is something wrong with you.

That pretty much sums up how I feel.  Thanks for another awesome blog post, Larry.

I absolutely agree!

International illegal arms trafficking?  You bet they should be tried in Mexico, lawmaker or not!

U.S. Officials Behind “Fast and Furious” Should Be Tried in Mexico, Lawmaker Says

From the article:

While it is highly doubtful the U.S. would allow its law enforcement officers to be extradited to Mexico, Salazar says Mexico could make the situation uncomfortable for the U.S. if it chooses to publicize the many people killed or injured by so-called Fast and Furious guns.

“It would be very difficult for them to get a fair trial in Mexico,” she said. “But I think it’s very important they be prosecuted in the U.S. Not just those involved, but those who allowed it to happen. This should be followed up with a very strong prosecution here. If you are not going to be nervous in the United States, you should at least be nervous where these guns are found,” says Salazar.

I hope Eric Holder is feeling a little nervous.  He should be fired for being inept.

WVCDL has standing to sue city over gun laws

Well, the Urinal Journal newspaper ran an article on the blog post I mentioned a few days ago.

WVCDL has standing to sue city over gun laws – | News, sports, jobs, community information for Martinsburg – The Journal.

From the article:

The city countered that the WVCDL had no standing to bring the suit because no one had been harmed by the city’s regulations.

In his ruling, U.S. District Judge John Preston, chief judge of the Northern District, wrote “Based upon the Complaint and the affidavit, this Court finds that the plaintiff (that is, WVCDL) has established standing to proceed with this action. This Court finds the threat of prosecution to be real. This Court is confident that if one of the plaintiff’s members attempts to enter certain of the City’s buildings, that person will be stopped and prohibited from entering or arrested.

Emphasis mine.  Suck it, city.  Just because no one (that we know about) has been prosecuted yet, doesn’t mean we should just trust that the cops are not going to based on their good <snicker snicker> word.  Obviously a Judge agrees.

Everything you want to know about “Project Gunwalker”

This is from The Ogre, and doesn’t need anymore explanation from me.

Credit is not always given where credit is due. All the news about the ATF’s SNAFU… it’s all sourced from our friend David Codrea, who broke this story wide open and now has all the Media Outlets tapping his information. But not all of them are attributing him as the source. Some have… and that’s great. But if it wasn’t for David’s persistent hard work – The American People would not have known about this gigantic violation of Trust.
I’ve had a link to one of his sites – War On Guns – for years.  Go to that blog and in his column on the left side, scroll down and you see links for the whole enchilada on Project Gunwalker… and evidently you’ll know more about it than the head of the BATFE.

Thank you, David, for your diligence and all your hard work.

Sad day for the future of naval weapons

Railgun, Laser Weapon Lose Senate Funding

And MechWarrior pilots everywhere are spilling a beer on the floors of their Battletechs in remembrance of the future-weapons that never were.  This makes me cry inside.

From the article:

The Senate Armed Services Committee on Friday voted to eliminate funding for two of the Navy’s still-in-development guns: the free electron laser, essentially a super-powered death ray, and the railgun, which shoots bullets powered not by explosions, but by energy.

The Navy had planned to incorporate these sci-fi weapons in a revamped fleet of the future, and asked for $60 million to continue research and development. Those plans may have to change, following the tersely worded cuts — unveiled on Page 21 of a lengthy press release outlining the Senate’s completion of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012.

Stupid Senate Armed Services Committee…

Head of ATF Likely to Be Ousted

Good, says I.  Though I really don’t think this means much since he’s not the permanent head of the ATF anyway since neither Clinton or Bush were able to get one assigned.  And that Traver fellow that Obama nominated is about as anti-gun-rights as can be, especially for the position he’d be filling.

Head of ATF Likely to Be Ousted

From the article:

At a House hearing this week, Rep. Darrell Issa (R., Calif.), chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, disclosed internal documents showing that Mr. Melson was closely involved in managing Fast and Furious operation. One email among ATF officials described Mr. Melson’s request for an Internet link to hidden cameras the ATF had planted in gun shops cooperating with the operation, Mr. Issa said, citing the documents. That allowed Mr. Melson to watch a live feed of suspected “straw buyers,” who purchase firearms on behalf of others, buying AK-47-style rifles, he said.

I thought he said he didn’t know anything about it?  Hmm…